Project 5: Subsampling data


So far, we have been using the true counts of our real (and imagined) populations. Ordinarily we only have a small proportion, a sample, of this data. We will now investigate how much it matters if we only have a small sample of data to work with rather than the whole picture.


Usually we are not in the happy situation of having a massive dataset and only wanting to look at part of it. In this context, it turns out that some diversity measures are very sensitive to the amount of data that has been collected, and so if you want to compare two populations to identify the more diverse, you may need to subsample the larger dataset to the size of the smaller one to make a fair comparison.


There are several ways of subsampling a population like the one we have here. The simplest way to approximate the process is to use rmultinom() to generate a small dataset with appropriate probabilities as we did in Project 1 to create rand.pop.

Function to subsample by individuals

Write and document a function (like the sample_by_species, etc. functions that we provided for you in your data package) to subsample a dataset to a given size called sample_by_individuals() (perhaps using this rmultinom function) – it should take a vector of population counts and a sample size as its arguments and return a vector of sample counts. Note this is slightly different from the sample_...() functions that we provided that take the whole bci_2010 dataset as an argument (a matrix, not a vector).

Incidentally, can you work out why this is only an approximation? Can you think of a better solution? This is not easy (or we can’t see how to do it easily anyway!), so don’t worry if you just use the suggested method. If you can work out what’s wrong, put an explanation into the documentation for the function.


Now create a new demo. For each dataset that has the full number of individuals (i.e. not quadrat.pop, quadrat10.pop or rand50.pop), plot the diversity profile of the full dataset, and then plot the diversity profile of a subsample of 10 individuals, then 100, 1000, 10000, and so on until you reach the full population size. See what effect sample size has on diversity for different values of q. At this point you have two choices:

Either (a more qualitative, graphical project) look at plots of the full dataset, and then multiple repeats of, say, 100 or 1000 individuals and see how variable your answers are with small samples, investigating issues arising from not collecting enough data.

Or alternatively (a more analytical project) you could choose to run analyses on the different populations and subsamples of them, and then repeat the same analyses on the exact same populations and subsamples using our rdiversity package and compare the results numerically (as in Project 3, remember that you can test whether two numbers are approximately equal to each other using if (abs(x-y) < 0.000001)) to ensure they give the same results.