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Project 3: Shannon entropy and the Berger-Parker index


We are now going to look at two special cases, where the equation we used before needs to be adapted – Shannon entropy, which is log(D1), and the Berger-Parker index, which is 1D, and adapt the code to cope with these.




Shannon entropy is an extremely well-known mathematical measure of the information content of a set of data. It is used here as a measure of “surprise” – how surprising the species of the next individual observed in a sequence is likely to be. Where there is only 1 species, each observation is the same, and there is no surprise. However, when there are lots of species that are all equally abundant (we are ignoring how well mixed the population is), every encounter is likely to surprise us.

The Berger-Parker index simply tells us how dominant the most abundant species is. It ignores everything else. The lower the index, the less dominant the most abundant species is, and so the more other species are also observed.


You may want to copy your existing function code from Project 2 as a starting point for this exercise. If you do, remember that you need different function names in this exercise so that they don’t conflict.

You will be writing a function to calculate diversity, and then two functions to calculate species richness and Simpson index from it as you did in Project 2. Then you need to write two new very simple functions which calculate the Shannon entropy and the Berger-Parker index, using the generic function you created above and not by calculating them from scratch (they will also need the small amount of additional calculation – Shannon entropy is actually \log(D_1) and Berger-Parker is \frac{1}{D_\infty} – as detailed above in the overview). You will probably find that the functions as written do not work! You may choose to test what the results should be again by comparing the outputs from the generic function at q=1 and q=\infty (infinity, written as Inf in R) to matching results from the rdiversity package.

You should see that the generic function from Project 2 produces very different answers for a value of q = 1 and a value near 1 (say q = 0.99 or q = 1.01), and similarly for q = \infty and a reasonably large number (say q = 20 or q = 30). In fact, you should actually get errors for exactly 1 and \infty, though you may in fact just produce the wrong answers (that are inconsistent with “nearby” numbers). In the former case, this is because we calculate \frac{1}{0} in the equation (which is not a number), and in the latter we have a rounding error and end up calculating 0^0 instead of 0.000001^{0.000001} which turn out to be very different numbers.

You will need to rewrite the general function using:

if (some_test) {
  # do something
} else if (some_other_test) {
  # do something different
} else {
  # a third thing

So that it checks for these two specific values of q, and instead use the following two equations:

D_1 = \exp(-\sum(p \times \log(p))) which is to say exp(-sum(p * log(p))) in R, where p is the vector of non-zero species proportions.

D_\infty = \frac{1}{\max(p)} which is just 1/max(p) in R. You should to end up writing the updated general function and the four specific functions that call this new updated function to calculate the four measures of diversity we have discussed so far.

Running the code

Run the two new functions again to make sure there are no errors, and also make sure that the generic function now gives the same (or very similar) results for 1 and 1.01, and for 20 and \infty.

Testing for equality to exact values

NB It is just possible that you may find a problem with the code still not giving you the correct answer when q=1. You can test for q being infinity by just by comparing the value to Inf, but this doesn’t work reliably for other numbers – what goes wrong is a rounding error that is very common in computer programming. Whole numbers cannot be correctly represented as decimals without small errors creeping in – so 1 may actually appear as 1.000000000001 – and testing whether it is then equal to 1 will fail. Instead you should test whether it is sufficiently close to 1 for your purposes. Fortunately, we can do this by saying if (abs(q-1) < 0.000001), say, instead of if (q == 1), which will check whether you are within 0.000001 of 1 (i.e. 0.999999 to 1.000001). I’ve picked 0.000001, but you can pick another value if it seems better. R actually provides a number for this itself called the “machine epsilon”, .Machine$double.eps, which is about 10^{-16}, but it may be too small for our purposes. People often use sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) as a compromise (about 10^{-8}). I honestly don’t know why except that it looks quite technical, but feel free to use it if you like!


Now write a demo that loads in this new functionality and then calculates the four diversity measures we have discussed for each dataset.

The demo should then call the general function directly (not the 4 specific functions) and just calculate the general diversity measures for the datasets provided with q = 0, 1, 2, and \infty (remember, these correspond to the 4 individual diversity measures we have investigated so far). Do you see a progression in the values you observe within each set of population counts as q increases? Comment on this in the report.