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Basic reproduction number, R0

Basic reproduction number R0>1







Basic reproduction number R0<1





Outbreak behaviour depends on R0

  • If R0>1 we expect an outbreak to take off
  • If R0<1 if we expect a just a few cases with no sustained outbreak

Epidemic dynamics

Model structure

  • Determined by the biology of the infection
    • do infected individuals die?
    • do infected individuals recover?
    • are recovered individuals immune?
    • are there latently infected individuals?

SIR process


  • S(t), St or S is the number of susceptibles

  • I(t), It or I is the number of infecteds

  • R(t), Rt or R is the number of recovereds

  • N is the total population size

    • i.e. N=S+I+R

Modelling transmission

  • Total rate at which new infections currently arise in the population


  • β is the transmission rate
  • I is the current number of infected individuals
  • SN is the proportion of population that is still susceptible

Modelling recovery

  • Total rate at which individuals are recovering


  • σ is the recovery rate
  • I is the current number of infected individuals

SIR model in difference equation form


SIR model in difference equation form



SIR model in difference equation form




SIS process

SIS model in difference equation form

S_{t+1} = S_t – \beta \times I_t \times \frac{S_t}{N} + \sigma \times I_t

I_{t+1} = I_t + \beta \times I_t \times \frac{S_t}{N} – \sigma \times I_t

Confusing notation…

\beta \times I \times (\frac{S}{N})

is the same as…

\beta I(\frac{S}{N})

is the same as

\frac{\beta I S}{N}

Basic reproduction number, R_0

  • This is a key concept in epidemiology and is defined as:

    “the average number of secondary cases arising from an infected individual introduced into a fully susceptible population”

Calculating R_0

\begin{align} R_0 = {} & \textrm{number of new infections per day} \\ & \textrm{arising from 1 infected in a fully} \\ & \textrm{susceptible population}\; \times \\ & \textrm{number of days infectious} \end{align}

Calculating R_0

\begin{align} R_0 = {} & \textrm{number of new infections per day} \\ & \textrm{arising from 1 infected in a fully} \\ & \textrm{susceptible population}\; \times \\ & \textrm{number of days infectious} \\ = {} & \beta \times \textrm{number of days infectious} \end{align}

Note on rates and duration

  • We convert between a rate and a duration using the reciprocal
    • \textrm{duration} = \frac{1}{\textrm{rate}}
    • \textrm{rate} = \frac{1}{\textrm{duration}}
  • Examples:
    • Recovery rate = 0.1 per day

    • Infectious period = \frac{1}{0.1} = 10 days

    • Infectious period = 3 weeks

    • Recovery rate = \frac{1}{3} per week

Calculating R_0

\begin{align} R_0 = {} & \textrm{number of new infections per day} \\ & \textrm{arising from 1 infected in a fully} \\ & \textrm{susceptible population}\; \times \\ & \textrm{number of days infectious} \\ = {} & \beta \times \textrm{number of days infectious} \end{align}

Calculating R_0

\begin{align} R_0 = {} & \textrm{number of new infections per day} \\ & \textrm{arising from 1 infected in a fully} \\ & \textrm{susceptible population}\; \times \\ & \textrm{number of days infectious} \\ = {} & \beta \times \textrm{number of days infectious} \\ = {} & \beta \times \frac{1}{\textrm{recovery rate}} \end{align}

Calculating R_0

\begin{align} R_0 = {} & \textrm{number of new infections per day} \\ & \textrm{arising from 1 infected in a fully} \\ & \textrm{susceptible population}\; \times \\ & \textrm{number of days infectious} \\ = {} & \beta \times \textrm{number of days infectious} \\ = {} & \beta \times \frac{1}{\textrm{recovery rate}} \\ = {} & \beta \times \frac{1}{\sigma} = \frac{\beta}{\sigma} \end{align}

Calculating R_0

\begin{align} R_0 = {} & \textrm{number of new infections per day} \\ & \textrm{arising from 1 infected in a fully} \\ & \textrm{susceptible population}\; \times \\ & \textrm{number of days infectious} \\ = {} & \beta \times \textrm{number of days infectious} \\ = {} & \beta \times \frac{1}{\textrm{recovery rate}} \\ = {} & \beta \times \frac{1}{\sigma} = \frac{\beta}{\sigma} \\ = {} & \frac{transmission.rate}{recovery.rate} \end{align}

Epidemic dynamics for SIR, R_0 = 2

Epidemic dynamics for SIR, R_0 = 2

Epidemic dynamics for SIR, R_0 = 2

Epidemic dynamics for SIR, R_0 = 2

Epidemic dynamics for SIR, R_0 = 2

Epidemic dynamics for SIR, R_0 = 2

Epidemic dynamics for SIR, R_0 = 2

Key features of dynamics

  • Infection burns itself out
  • Not all individuals become infected

Key features of dynamics

  • Infection burns itself out

  • Not all individuals become infected

  • Chain of transmission eventually halts due to insufficient susceptibles, not a complete lack of susceptibles

Basic reproduction number R_0 < 1

R_0 < 1

R_0 < 1

R_0 < 1

R_0 < 1

Dynamics for R_0 = 0.5

SIS process

SIS model in difference equation form

S_{t+1} = S_t – \beta \times I_t \times \frac{S_t}{N} + \sigma \times I_t

I_{t+1} = I_t + \beta \times I_t \times \frac{S_t}{N} – \sigma \times I_t

SIS simulation for R_0 = 3

SIS simulation for R_0 = 3


  • Programming in R Practical:
    • Extending your programming skills
    • Building simple disease dynamics models in R