GitHub and RStudio projects
Sonia’s journey…
2018 November Viva
2020 Covid-19
Why did it take so long?
Git is scary?
It’s a foreign language! branch, head, origin, blame, diff, fork?
Git is for command line experts?
What if I break the repo? and merge conflicts…
Why is git useful?
Time travel?
I’m too busy?
I’ve got stuff to do!
Why should you use git / GitHub?
1. Centralized cloud storage of your code
2. Version control system
2. Version control system
Keep track of important versions
Always have a working version
3. A single point of truth
Latest version of code
Previous versions of code (with changes)
Project description
Installation instructions
Science / notes
Discussion / ideas
To do list / tasks
4. Reproducible research
Makes your code / data available as a single project
Makes your code / data citable
Track changes
Track what went wrong
4. Collaboration
5. Collaboration
Makes it easier to:
share your code
improve your code
Makes your project / data / code:
easier to find
easier to install
6. You might need to learn it eventually anyway
Software developer
Research software engineer
Data science
And more?
Automatically test your code
Build websites
Improve your code / learn new skills
Let’s go back to 2014…
RStudio projects
Why use RStudio projects?
Helps keep you organised!!!
When you open a project
a new R session is loaded
the working directory is set to the project directory
.RData is loaded
.Rhistory is loaded
previous tabs are left open
other RStudio settings are loaded