Things to remember

  • Any programming language can solve any problem
  • But some things are much more natural in some languages than others
  • And some languages also have some amazing libraries to help!

Programming styles

Language types

What do you need to think about?

  • What you want to do
  • What the easiest way of doing it is
  • What languages make that easy


What do you want to do?

  • Access data
  • Analyse it
  • Build models
  • Test hypotheses
  • Report the results
  • Share the methods and data

What’s good about R?

  • Approachable scripting language
  • Interactive interpreter
  • Dynamic typing, imperative, structured
  • Great statistical and graphical libraries
  • Powerful development environment in RStudio
    • Making it easy to develop your own packages

What’s bad about R?

  • Interpreted languages are slow
    • So new libraries are rarely written in R!
    • Complex handwritten models are slow
  • Graphics capabilities are fixed and complicated, though extensive…
  • Lack of type checking means you’ll often struggle to know what went wrong
  • Not all libraries are well written

What’s different about R?

  • Formulae and factors
  • Data frames, and ease of manipulating data
  • Plotting data
  • Massive database of user-supplied packages
    • Easy(-ish!) to create your own packages

A note of packages you use

  • When you use a package to carry out an analysis, you should always say so!
  • You have two commands to tell you what to do:
    • library(help="packagename")
      • This shows the DESCRIPTION file, in particular the version you are using
    • citation("packagename")
      • This tell you how to reference it in your paper

To cite package 'deSolve' in publications use:

  Karline Soetaert, Thomas Petzoldt, R. Woodrow Setzer (2010). Solving
  Differential Equations in R: Package deSolve. Journal of Statistical
  Software, 33(9), 1--25. doi:10.18637/jss.v033.i09

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

    title = {Solving Differential Equations in {R}: Package de{S}olve},
    author = {Karline Soetaert and Thomas Petzoldt and R. Woodrow Setzer},
    journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
    volume = {33},
    number = {9},
    pages = {1--25},
    year = {2010},
    doi = {10.18637/jss.v033.i09},
    keywords = {ordinary differential equations, partial differential
    equations, differential algebraic equations, initial value problems,
    R, FORTRAN, C},

What does this tell us?

R is designed for:

  • reading data
  • processing data
  • building models
  • analysing results
  • displaying results
  • sharing new functionality

So what have you learned?

  • Write code
  • Write documentation
  • Identify and isolate reusable code
  • Generate documented results
  • Keep track of code changes
  • Share code with others reliably
  • Read, understand and test other people’s code
  • Collaborate with one another to improve your code


  • R has arguably the best libraries to make it easy to process, analyse and report data
  • And it’s also reasonably general purpose
  • So it’s a good place to start
  • But don’t get too hung up on one language
  • There are lots of problems with R!


Writing Fragile Code

Writing fragile code…

  • When we’re using Word we want it to never crash!
    • Partly this is because we can’t fix it even if we know there’s a problem
    • Partly because we might lose something important
  • When we write our own code, we do want it to crash… why?
    • We don’t want it to carry blithely on when something doesn’t make sense
    • Otherwise we might get the wrong answer at the end without ever knowing there was a problem!
  • Writing fragile code that crashes or stops easily is a good thing in scientific programming, at least when you’re writing your own code