- Any programming language can solve any problem
- But some things are much more natural in some languages than others
- And some languages also have some amazing libraries to help!
- What you want to do
- What the easiest way of doing it is
- What languages make that easy
- Approachable scripting language
- Interactive interpreter
- Dynamic typing, imperative, structured
- Great statistical and graphical libraries
- Powerful development environment in RStudio
- Making it easy to develop your own packages
- Interpreted languages are slow
- So new libraries are rarely written in R!
- Complex handwritten models are slow
- Graphics capabilities are fixed and complicated, though extensive…
- Lack of type checking means you’ll often struggle to know what went wrong
- Not all libraries are well written
- Formulae and factors
- Data frames, and ease of manipulating data
- Plotting data
- Massive database of user-supplied packages
- Easy(-ish!) to create your own packages
file, in particular the
version you are usingcitation("packagename")
To cite package 'deSolve' in publications use:
Karline Soetaert, Thomas Petzoldt, R. Woodrow Setzer (2010). Solving
Differential Equations in R: Package deSolve. Journal of Statistical
Software, 33(9), 1--25. doi:10.18637/jss.v033.i09
A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
title = {Solving Differential Equations in {R}: Package de{S}olve},
author = {Karline Soetaert and Thomas Petzoldt and R. Woodrow Setzer},
journal = {Journal of Statistical Software},
volume = {33},
number = {9},
pages = {1--25},
year = {2010},
doi = {10.18637/jss.v033.i09},
keywords = {ordinary differential equations, partial differential
equations, differential algebraic equations, initial value problems,
R is designed for: