(Reproducible) Programming in R

Who are we?


1. Lectures and coursework

The course runs three days a week:

  • Mondays 1-5pm, Wednesdays 1-5pm and Fridays 1-4pm until 16th Dec

Please do ask questions during these times if you can

2. Moodle

The course is officially on Moodle at https://moodle.gla.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=33697 - let me know if you can’t access it. All submissions will be through Moodle, and some downloads will be available there. However…

3. GitHub

Once you have GitHub set up we will use it for all of our queries, and the course is available at https://github.com/SBOHVM/RPiR. Please ask for help and discuss issues on the Discussions tab at https://github.com/SBOHVM/RPiR/discussions.

4. Email

Feel free to email if you want to contact us directly.

Plan for today

Get everything installed

All of the course preparation instructions are in the course’s documentation at https://sbohvm.github.io/RPiR under Course preparation. The same page is also duplicated on the package’s GitHub page at https://github.com/SBOHVM/RPiR:

  • First follow the instructions there to make sure you have an up-to-date version of R and RStudio.
  • Then follow the links following on from there to pages that tell you how to install the course itself and create the necessary accounts.

Read the other materials

Moodle has some links to other materials to read or watch when you finish installing everything.

Any Questions?