Loops, functions and flow control

Useful commands

  • For and while loops:
    for (...) { ... }
    while (...) { ... }
  • Functions:
    my_fun <- function() { ... }
  • Comparisons and Tests
  • If statements
    if (...) { ... } else { ... }

for (...) loops

Runs a block of code for a fixed number of times:

for (item in vector) {
  # Do something, probably to item

Remember code blocks are the code within a set of curly brackets – { ... } – or a single line of code if there are no brackets.

for (...) loops

Runs a block of code for a fixed number of times:

whole.numbers <- seq(from = 3, to = 6)
for (num in whole.numbers) {
[1] 9
[1] 16
[1] 25
[1] 36

Here, we print out four numbers – the squares of the numbers in the whole.numbers vector – because that’s how long the vector is.

for (...) loops

Runs a block of code for a fixed number of times:

halves <- seq(from = 1, to = 2, by = 0.5); total <- 0
for (half in halves) {
  total <- total + half
  cat("Adding", half, "gives us", total, "\n")
Adding 1 gives us 1 
Adding 1.5 gives us 2.5 
Adding 2 gives us 4.5 
[1] 4.5

This updates total with the running total and prints it out.

while (...) loops

This runs a block of code while a condition is true:

while (condition.is.TRUE) {
  # Do something that will (or may) update condition

while (...) loops

This runs a block of code while a condition is true:

half <- 1; increment <- 0.5; total <- 0
while (half <= 2) {
  total <- total + half
  cat("Adding", half, "gives us", total, "\n")
  half <- half + increment
Adding 1 gives us 1 
Adding 1.5 gives us 2.5 
Adding 2 gives us 4.5 
[1] 4.5

We can produce the same result as a for loop with a bit of work.

while (...) loops

This runs a block of code while a condition is true:

half <- 1; increment <- 0.5; total <- 0
while (total < 10) {
  total <- total + half
  cat("Adding", half, "gives us", total, "\n")
  half <- half + increment
Adding 1 gives us 1 
Adding 1.5 gives us 2.5 
Adding 2 gives us 4.5 
Adding 2.5 gives us 7 
Adding 3 gives us 10 
[1] 3.5

But we can have more complex stopping conditions – has the total got to 10, for instance… but why is half 3.5?

while (...) loops

This runs a block of code while a condition is true:

half <- 0.5; increment <- 0.5; total <- 0
while (total < 10) {
  half <- half + increment
  total <- total + half
  cat("Adding", half, "gives us", total, "\n")
Adding 1 gives us 1 
Adding 1.5 gives us 2.5 
Adding 2 gives us 4.5 
Adding 2.5 gives us 7 
Adding 3 gives us 10 
[1] 3

But we do have to be careful how we write the code block in the loop.


Functions carry out a single fixed task (or function!) for you using the arguments provided:

# Define the function:
function_name <- function(first, second) {
  # Do something to first and second to produce result
  # Return result

# Then in your script, call the function:
function_name(first = 1, second = 2)

Here the function is called function_name(), and the arguments are first and second.


Functions carry out a single fixed task for you using the arguments provided:

add_up <- function(first, second) {
  first + second
add_up(3, 5)
[1] 8
add_up(first = 3, second = 5)
[1] 8

Here this simple function just adds together its two arguments.


Functions carry out a single fixed task for you using the arguments provided:

subtract <- function(value, from) {
  from - value
subtract(3, 5)
[1] 2
subtract(from = 3, value = 5)
[1] -2

Note that if you name the arguments, then the order doesn’t matter!


Functions carry out a single fixed task for you using the arguments provided:

add_up <- function(first, second) {
  result <- first + second
add_up(3, 5)

The last line of code run is what is returned by the function…


Functions carry out a single fixed task for you using the arguments provided:

add_up <- function(first, second) {
  result <- first + second
add_up(3, 5)
[1] 8

The last line of code run is what is returned by the function…


Functions carry out a single fixed task for you using the arguments provided:

add_up <- function(first, second) {
  result <- first + second
  cat("The answer is", result, "\n")
result <- add_up(3, 5)
The answer is 8 

So you need to be careful what is on that last line!


Functions carry out a single fixed task for you using the arguments provided:

add_up <- function(first, second) {
  result <- first + second
add_up(3, 5)
[1] 8

You can explicitly tell the function to end and return a value.


Functions carry out a single fixed task for you using the arguments provided:

add_up <- function(first, second) {
  result <- first + second
  cat("The answer is", result, "\n")
result <- add_up(3, 5)
[1] 8

If you include a return() statement the function will end there.


We recommend calculating partial results inside functions whenever it is sensible to make your code easier to read. Imagine we want to calculate: \[(first + second) \times (first + second)\]

add_and_square <- function(first, second) {
  # Calculate the result
  added <- first + second
  squared <- added * added
  # And return it
add_and_square(3, 5)
[1] 64


Doing it all in one go increases the risk of mistakes:

add_and_square <- function(first, second) {
  (first + second) * first + second
add_and_square(3, 5)
[1] 29

Comparisons – testing for equality and difference

Essential for while loops and if statements. They allow us to test whether something is true, and change what lines of code are run depending on the outcome. There are the basic tests:

  • a == b: is a equal to b? (TRUE if this is true, FALSE if this is false)
  • a > b: is a greater than b?
  • a < b: is a less than b?
  • a >= b: is a greater than or equal to b?
  • a <= b: is a less than or equal to b?
  • a != b: is a different from b?

Comparisons – testing for equality and difference

Essential for while loops and if statements. They allow us to test whether something is true, and change what lines of code are run depending on the outcome. There are the basic tests:

  • a == b: is a equal to b? (TRUE if this is true, FALSE if this is false)
  • a > b: is a greater than b?
  • a < b: is a less than b?
  • a >= b: is a greater than or equal to b?
  • a <= b: is a less than or equal to b?
  • a != b: is a different from b?

Comparisons – testing for equality and difference

There are then three basic ways of changing or combining the above:

  • (a < b) || (c == d): is either a less than b or c equal to d?
  • (a < b) && (c == d): is both a less than b and c equal to d?
  • !((a < b) && (c == d)): is the above not TRUE? TRUE if the above was FALSE and vice versa

Remember to use brackets to ensure you are combining things in the right order. They can be used in the while loops above to determine whether to continue through the next iteration of the loop, and in the if statements below to determine what to do next.

if (...) {...} statements

If statements allow us to do different things depending on what has gone before in the code.

if (...) {...} statements

If statements allow us to do different things depending on what has gone before in the code:


if (length(findGlobals(add_and_square, merge = FALSE)$variables) != 0) {
  stop("Function add_and_square() may not use global variable(s): ",
       findGlobals(add_and_square, merge = FALSE)$variables)

Here we test if add_and_square() has any global variables.

if (...) {...} statements

if (add_and_square(3, 5) == 64) {
  print("Maths still works")

if (...) {...} else {...}

if (add_and_square(3, 5) == 64) {
  print("Maths still works")
} else {
  warning("We have a problem")
  print(add_and_square(3, 5))
Warning: We have a problem
[1] 29

if (...) {...} else {...}

add_and_square <- function(first, second) {
  # Calculate the result
  added <- first + second
  squared <- added * added
  # And return it

if (...) {...} else {...}

if (add_and_square(3, 5) == 64) {
  cat("Maths still works\n")
} else {
  cat("We have a problem\n")
Maths still works


See R section of package website for more details and links to other resources.